Latest Update

Our practice follows the ADA guidelines for patient care . We are now on Level 1. This means that treatment is no longer, and we can now offer all dental procedures with modified protocols and extra infection control procedures in place.

Our greatest priority is the health and safety of all our wonderful patients and team members and we wish all our patients and the community good health in these difficult times.

If you need Help please call us on (08) 8382 2410 

Exciting News!!!


We wish to advise you that the Government – (AHPPC) and ADA, have advised all Dental Practices to follow Level 2 restrictions. This means that treatment is no longer restricted to emergency dental and that although there are still restrictions in place with the right safeguards and infection control (which we have always had in place) we are now able to offer a wider range of treatments.

If you need Help please call us on (08) 8382 2410 our new temporary opening hours are

9 -4pm Monday – Friday

Our greatest priority at this time is the health and safety of all our wonderful patients and team members and we wish all our patients and the community good health in these difficult times

News Update 25/3/2020

The recent concerns with the COVID-19 virus serve as a reminder for all of us to use proper precautions. At Morphett Vale Dental Care, you and your family’s health and the health of our dedicated team and their families are of utmost import to us. Therefore, we are following the evolving situation closely and following the Department of Health guidelines and recommendations.  For weeks at Morphett Vale Dental Care, we have been preparing and revising our infection control protocols and procedures to meet the new standards. This is so we can look after our patient’s health and team members, during this current pandemic situation. We want to assure you that during this challenging time, we plan on continuing serving our community, to the best of our abilities.

Our team is taking all the necessary precautions to triage patients appropriately and prevent the spread of the virus.

What we are doing to look after our patients, team members and visitors

Here are some of the steps we are taking to look after the wellbeing of our patients, visitor and team members:

Monitoring patients: 

  1. Patients are being contacted prior to their appointment to confirm they have not traveled overseas or that they are not feeling unwell. (if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms or have traveled overseas, we will reschedule their appointment)
  2. We are monitoring patients and visitors to quickly identify those with high-risk factors or potential contact with infected people.
  3. We are keeping a log of ALL visitors with the appropriate information; in case we need to contact them.
  4. We have increased the number of hand sanitizers in our patient lounge and all around the practice and we ask everyone to use them when coming in and before leaving our premises.

At the time of your Appointment

  1. The clinician will ask some additional health-related questions.
  2. Your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer (in case you have fever unrelated to a tooth infection, we will not be able to carry out your dental procedure and we will ask you to call your GP to organize an appointment with them)
  3. Prior to starting your dental procedure we will ask you to rinse with an antimicrobial mouth rinse for a minute. This is so we can reduce the number of oral microbes.

In order to continue providing a safe environment, we are asking for your help and understanding.

Are you due for your six-monthly Hygiene?

Call us now to book a time

Dental Check Up FAQ’s

t is recommended that you should be going to the dentist for a dental check-up and clean every 6 months, however, we are all individuals and some patients need to visit us only once a year while others 3 – 4 times a year.

Some of the many reasons why we recommend routine dental examinations is:

  1. Oral cancer screening
  2. To check teeth health
  3. To make sure there are no issues, (gum disease, cavities, etc) If there is an issue it is always better to get on it early, rather than having it left for a long period of time. In most cases, more work will have to be done to fix the issue if its left unchecked.
  4. To get a thorough dental clean.
  5. To be reminded to floss (haha)
  1. Regular brushing (twice a day)
  2. Flossing (once a day)
  3. limiting you sugar intake (diet)
  4. limit acid drinks such as soft drinks and energy drinks
  5. Balanced diet of fruits and vegies
  6. Avoiding tobacco
  7. Using toothpaste with fluoride

Your dentist should take a full set of dental X-rays early into the doctor-patient relationship. So, if you are a new patient then it is recommended so your dentist has a baseline

to monitor any changes that could be happening in your teeth between appointments.

Most adult patients have bitewing X-rays every 2 year and a full mouth series every four to five years.

But those with a higher risk for dental caries problems may need them every six to 18 months.

Patients with tooth sensitivity feel pain when they consume foods or drinks that are hot or cold, sweet, or acidic. Sensitivity happens when tooth enamel, which protects the tooth’s pulp and dentin, is thinned from repeated exposure to acidity and extreme temperatures. Sensitivity can also occur as a result of:

  • Receding gums
  • Tooth grinding during sleep
  • Chipped or fractured teeth
  • Tooth whitening
  • Orthodontics
  • fillings

Talk to your dental professional, and they will examine the affected teeth and recommend treatment to reduce your sensitivity.

It depends – there are different kinds of mouthwash.

Cosmetic mouthwashes aim to freshen breath and to maintain a healthy teeth colour, but they contain fluoride to help fight cavities as well.

Therapeutic rinses work to help treat conditions such as gingivitis, tooth sensitivity, and inflammation.

For more advanced conditions, prescription mouthwashes often contain chlorhexidine gluconate to kill bacteria that cause bleeding, inflammation, and plaque or biofilm formation.